Transcomplex Managerial Thinking in Emerging Companies of the XXI Century.



Transcomplex Managerial Thinking, Emergent Companies, XXI Century


In a demanding society that demands innovations on the part of organizations, reflections on the managerial procedure are noticed. In the context of complexity, uncertainty and indeterminism that characterizes transcomplexity, a great capacity for change in transcomplex managerial thinking in 21st century companies that allows them to remain competitive in the face of new times is becoming more imperative and eminent. In this way, managers introduce emergent management practices based on the needs of change in their work actions. The above leads to this study of a phenomenological nature framed in the interpretive paradigm cognitive intention to apprehend the emerging management; willing to transform. Results are derived from intentional sampling within an intersubjective process of consulted managers, leaders of quality projects through the semi-structured interview technique. Finally, categories of analysis emerged from the information provided for later comparison with the theoretical referential orientation of the research. As a result, it is established that the emerging management focuses on human talent and technologies in the search for a social impact that transcends the organization itself with a high sense of responsibility towards people, community, society, country and the world.

Author Biographies

José Rafael Abreu Fuentes, PhD, Universidad Politécnica Territorial del Oeste del Estado Sucre (UPTOES)

Degree in Education, mention in Spanish and Literature from the Universidad de Oriente (UDO), Master in Management from the Universidad de Sancti Spiritus “José Martí” (UNISS), PhD in Educational Sciences from the Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe (ULAC), international and national publications. Author of the Book: Transformational Leadership in University Education Supported by Information and Communication Technology, Research professor at the Universidad Politécnica Territorial del Oeste de Sucre "Clodosbaldo Russian" (UPTOS), Cumaná Venezuela

Carmen Margarita Marín Gomez, PhD., Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL)

Professor in integral education, (UPEL) Specialist in Education, mention Difficulty for Learning (UPEL), Specialist in Teaching in Basic Education (UPEL) Master: Mention: Orientation Of The Conduct of the University of Zulia (LUZ). Mention: Psychiatry and Mental Health. (LUZ) Doctor of Educational Sciences. (ULAC). Author of various publications in scientific journals and in memoirs of national and international academic events.

Miguel Israel Bennasar García, PhD., Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña (ISFODOSU)

Miguel Israel Bennasar García: Professor, specialty: physical education, sports and recreation at the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL), Master in Education, mention: Teaching of Physical Education (UPEL) Doctor of Education Sciences (ULAC), currently He is a teacher and researcher and is part of the Salomé Ureña Higher Teacher Training Institute (ISFODOSU), Luis Napoleón Núñez Molina Campus, Dominican Republic



How to Cite

Abreu Fuentes, . J. R. ., Marín Gomez, C. M., & Bennasar García, M. I. . (2020). Transcomplex Managerial Thinking in Emerging Companies of the XXI Century. Metropolis | Global University Studies Journal, 1(2), 338-357. Retrieved from

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