Participatory School Management for the Integration of the Actors Determining the Educational Process



Participatory school Management, Integration, Co-responsability, Determining actors of the educational process


School management refers to the organizational and operating structure of the administrative, pedagogical and socio-community processes through the implementation of various strategies that allow the strategic direction of the educational process. This research is oriented towards reflection, analysis and systematization of participatory school management to address the integration process of the determining actors of the educational process. It is therefore necessary to approach the research from the socio-critical approach with a participatory action research methodology that will allow me to reflect on my practice and that of the institutional group on the way in which school management is promoted and applied in the educational center. As well as, the family-school-community relationship in a more comprehensive way considering that these three components encompass realities that go far beyond classroom life. Participant observation and discussion groups were used as techniques and as instruments: field diary, discovery sheet. This investigative process will be focused on the line of research Educational Planning and Management, with the intention of overcoming the strictly administrative idea of the directive function to access a conception of management as an exercise in building democratic coexistence, which affects pedagogical development. which, after all, is the mission of the educational institution as well as the integration of the determining actors of the educational process.

Author Biography

Ana Delis Rodríguez, Msc., Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University (UPEL)

Teacher of the UPEL-IMPM Educational Management Program. Specialist in Educational Direction and Supervision. Samuel Robinson National Experimental University of Teaching (UNEM). Graduate in Education, Cultural Development Mention, Simón Rodríguez National Experimental University (UNESR). Professor in Preschool Education Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL). Work Experience: Situational Room Analyst, Educational Zone, Sucre State. Director C.E.I YACYEZA. Teacher in Supervisory Function School Municipality 14, Sucre. Municipal Coordinator of the Bolivarian Educational Emerging Plan Sucre State Educational Zone. U.E Fe y Alegría Pedagogical Coordinator “Father José María Vélaz”. U.E Fe y Alegría Classroom Teacher “Father José María Vélaz”. Teacher Space Family Community CEI “La Llanada. Teacher Teacher at Home Non-Conventional Programs.



How to Cite

Rodríguez, A. D. (2024). Participatory School Management for the Integration of the Actors Determining the Educational Process. Metropolis | Global University Studies Journal, 5(1), 169-185. Retrieved from