Self-Regulation Strategy as Control in the Discourse of the University Professor


  • Dimas Verdú Tonito Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe


Strategies, Self-regulation, Discourse, Professor Keywords


An article was held that is fully supported by the approaches taken by different authors in relation to self-regulatory strategies as a control in the university professor's speech. In this sense, it is proposed that in educational dialectics there is a being who teaches (the teacher) and one who learns (the student), where the discourse of the former must be aimed at promoting the student's interest in controlling his own learning in order to attain the full expression of his abilities as a human being, taking into account the dimensions of his personality. In this sense, the development of the present is linked to this field of knowledge, as a way to promote reflection and study around being a reality in the university scenarios.

Author Biography

Dimas Verdú Tonito, Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe

Degree in Comprehensive Education from the National Open University (UNA) Master in Open and Distance Education (UNA) Doctorate of the Education Sciences Program (ULAC) Professor and Researcher in different National and International Institutions, currently Manager of Planning, Projects, and Tourism Development of the Anzoátegui State Tourism Corporation (CORANZTUR)



How to Cite

Verdú Tonito, D. . (2020). Self-Regulation Strategy as Control in the Discourse of the University Professor. Metropolis | Global University Studies Journal, 1(1), 177-189. Retrieved from