The emerging being
New challenges from its internality
Emerging being, Ontoepistemology, Morality, TechnologyAbstract
The human being from the ontoepistemological position is complex, an aspect that reveals its complexity, since it is a suprasystem, which the interconnection of its biopsycho-social factors, reveal the interconnective, interdependent and interretroactive from the internality of man to his environment, in unity and multiplicity of their talents, which compare with otherness. Their intelligence is a challenge for scientific advances who fail to imitate the capacity for adaptation, volitional aptitudes and spirituality. Man is torn between being ¨Homo Sapiens¨, achieved through the writing-language binomial, and ¨Homo digitalis¨ who allows himself to be soaked in knowledge and information with the immediacy typical of technological obsolescence. This article's intentional prism is to reflect on the potential of a being that emerges to transform the planet from spirituality, technology and the praxis of morality. It presents ontological bases proposed by Morín (2006), Habermas (2008), Hernández (2020), Lisboa (2023), Candoya (2018), Wojtyla (1982). It is the product of a reflective hermeneusis supported by the Epistemology of complexity. He provided a theoretical corpus in which it is concluded that the challenge of "Homo Tecnológicous" is to understand the complexity of man, who has his reconciliation with the planet in his hands.
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