National System of Museums. Cosmovision of Ibero-American Museum Management in the South-South Venezuelan World-Experience System



Museum Systems and Networks, Cosmovisión, Museum Management, World- Experiencie System and South-South


The purpose of the research is to demonstrate that the museum institutions of the South play a very important role for society, since they are in charge of safeguarding the inherited heritage, thus preserving the historical memory that defines us as nations, with their own multi-ethnic and multicultural characteristics, for which reason a cultural and museum policy must respond to the needs and cultural demands of the region, where its museums have taken advantage of the organizational experience of networks and systems as museum management models, thus creating sustainable institutions whose main objective is to strengthen themselves, opening a path for the museology of the South. In this order of ideas, it is necessary to carry out studies for the in-depth knowledge of the Ibero-American museum reality, systematizing the components of the museum structures, through statistical studies, which allow the establishment of museum policies and standardization of programs for the strengthening and contextualization of the collections, aiming at the systematization and improvement of museum management and the safeguarding of heritage assets. The worldview of the Ibero-American Museistic Management in the Sur-Sur World Experiences System, would respond to a regional museum and cultural policy, based on automation, a subject-subject relationship where museums become a place of enunciation of the southern-south experience, promoting the knowledge of its local and regional heritage as part of a broader identity, cultural heritage and historical heritage and historical memory. of social transformation.

Author Biography

Nathiam Gabriela Vega Rodríguez, Msc., Latin American and Caribbean University (ULAC)

Graduates in Arts. Mention: Museology. Cecilio Acosta Catholic University. (ONLY); Master in Museology. National Experimental University "Francisco de Miranda" (UNEFM). Participant of the Doctorate in Cultural Heritage at the Latin American and Caribbean University. ULAC.



How to Cite

Vega Rodríguez, N. G. (2023). National System of Museums. Cosmovision of Ibero-American Museum Management in the South-South Venezuelan World-Experience System. Metropolis | Global University Studies Journal, 4(1), 49-74. Retrieved from