Las Management Strategies in Optimizing the Organizational Climate



Management Strategies, Organizational Climate, Directive Management, Educational Management, Communication Process


It is undeniable the role that the director plays as an educational manager in the consolidation of an organizational climate that is characterized by the existence of a good communicative process that is mostly oriented, in a motivating environment, putting into practice leadership that promotes decision-making in consensus. and democracy, so it is essential that you must take into account countless aspects that allow you to apply strategies aimed at creating a favorable work environment. In this order of ideas, the organizational climate assumes special meaning within expectations and strategies. in educational matters, because it is conceived as a directive management instrument that increases the pedagogical and administrative flexibility of schools, through strategic actions that allow the organization's goals to be achieved with the least effort, increasing the quality of human resources and of services within a campus. Under this premise, this extensive study will be carried out, the objective of which is to analyze the importance of the application of management strategies for the optimization of the organizational climate. Methodologically, it focuses on research with a quantitative approach, under a level Descriptive, the facts are analyzed through the authors' descriptive and inferential statistics, which allows conclusions to be established.

Author Biography

Reina González, Esp., Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University (UPEL)

Licenciada en Educación Inicial. Universidad Nacional Experimental “Simón Rodríguez” (UNESR); Especialista en Educación Inicial. (UNESR).



How to Cite

González Pérez, R. E. (2024). Las Management Strategies in Optimizing the Organizational Climate. Metropolis | Global University Studies Journal, 5(1), 140-164. Retrieved from