About the Journal

Focus and scope

ISSN 2692-3203 | Online

ISSN 2692-319x | Printed

Metropólis | Magazine of Global University Studies, is a multidisciplinary scientific journal refereed by double blind, open access and physical and electronic publication in pdf formats, with a biannual publication scheme, developed by Metropolitan International University.

Scope of the Magazine

The magazine aims to publish original national and international academic productions, the productions are classified into:

  1. Scientific articles
  2. essays
  3. Conferences

Peer review process

Peer Review

The names of the authors are not disclosed to the reviewers and vice versa. This anonymous review process protects authors and reviewers from all pre-judgment. Once the referees accept the invitation to be reviewers, they examine the manuscript thoroughly and send the opinion or suggestions of possible changes or a firm recommendation on the advisability of publishing the document. The selection of the reviewers for each article is the responsibility of the area editors.

Publication frequency

Metr´ópolis is a multidisciplinary scientific journal, with a biannual publication scheme.

Open access policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content on the principle that research should be made freely available to the public, which encourages a greater exchange of global knowledge.